For over 37 years, volunteers of Assistance League of Reno-Sparks, a chapter of National Assistance League, have managed the Senior Sampler to sell your merchandise on a consignment basis at no cost to you.
Below you will find important information about participating in the Senior Sampler. Please read the guidelines and calendar carefully. Remember that we no longer accept “drop-ins” during incoming inventory. You must call the Senior Sampler at 775-324-2003 to reserve a slot for a particular day on which we are accepting new inventory.
If you have a change in your phone number or address, please give the new information to a Senior Sampler volunteer. We want to be able to provide you with updated information when necessary. Most importantly, we want you to get your payments without delay.
As a reminder, our inclement weather policy is guided by school closings. If the Washoe County schools are on a 2-hour-delay, the Senior Sampler shop will not open until 1:00 p.m. We will not accept incoming inventory when school starts are delayed or schools are closed altogether.

Guidelines for the Senior Sampler
- Crafter must be at least 60 years old.
- First time crafters must apply in person and complete a Consignment Agreement and W-9 tax form.
- Merchandise must be at least 50% handcrafted and marketable. The Quality Control Committee has authority to refuse items that don’t meet the criteria.
- Merchandise must be new and clean; free of odor, smoke, and pet hair; and childproof.
- Crafter may not attach a business card, personal identification, or other form of advertisement.
- Crafter must indicate type of material used, e.g., type of wood, gems, fabric.
- Merchandise will be displayed in the shop for 90 days with the exception of seasonal and holiday items.
- Crafter is responsible for connecting all items in a set, such as placemats.
- Crafter must enclose greeting cards in plastic sleeves for display.
- All items must be well crafted and finished.
- Crafter must leave items in the shop for 90 days.
- After 90 days in the shop, the crafter must wait 90 days before re-submitting the item for sale. No item may be in the shop for more than two 90-day periods.
Unacceptable Merchandise:
- Food of any kind.
- Items with fragrance or odor (candles, sachet, potpourri, perfume).
- Fragile merchandise or any item deemed not marketable in the Senior Sampler.
- Items that are not childproof or lead free (no glued-on eyes, no drawstrings).
- Soaps.
- Political item of any kind.
- Framed or unframed pictures larger than 20″x24″.
- Dolls with crocheted dresses for covering toilet paper and air fresheners.
- Dolls with plastic faces or parts.
- Items with loose glitter.
- Wood items which are not sanded or finished and safe from splinters.
- Patented and copyrighted items with liability of infringement.
- Display racks for jewelry.
- Out of season items: Senior Sampler will accept winter apparel and accessories between September 1 and January 31 and summer apparel between March 1 and July 31.
- Plastic needlepoint canvas items.
- Microwave potato, corn or any vegetable bags.
- Items with iron-on appliques, unless reinforced with stitching.
The Quality Control Committee will make the final decision as to the acceptability of any merchandise.