Members of Assistance League of Montgomery County awarded the Ada Edwards Laughlin Award to Cheryl Hochberger at their annual Christmas luncheon. Cheryl has been a member since 2013, and she is known for giving outstanding “behind the scenes” service in a relatively inconspicuous way.
When working at the shop, Cheryl can be seen putting the finishing touches on garments that need to be pressed before they reach the floor. She also conducts new member Thrift Shop training helping new volunteers to feel comfortable and accepted as they begin their volunteer work. While at home, Cheryl continues her work by sorting and pricing jewelry donations to sell at fashion and craft shows, as well as at the shop.
Along with her work at the Thrift Shop, Cheryl works with the Resource Development and Pass It On Committees. In the past few years, she has held two Board positions, secretary and Property Management Chairman. During the past five years, this volunteer has heard the call of service and has certainly given back.
At the presentation, Cheryl received a well-deserved standing ovation from the membership who voted to give her this award.