Klamath Basin – Share the Love Month

February was proclaimed “Share the Love Month” for the Assistance League of Klamath Basin Chapter (Oregon).    We designated the homeless students K-12 as the recipients.  These students are listed under the McKinney-Vento Federal Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 which focuses on students experiencing homelessness and poverty.   There are over 700 designated students in the Klamath Basin area who were added to our Operation School Bell program two years ago.

Some of our members volunteered their time to shop for baskets full of extra underwear, socks, t-shirts/tops, warm sweatshirts and sweatpants, hoodies, and warm jackets for these boys and girls K-12.

Our members also donated money, clothing, hygiene items, backpacks, and school supplies.  As part of this program, our chapter purchased extra backpacks and cases of deodorant.   All and all, our chapter spent approximately $10,000.00.    We are very proud to be able to give extra help to these students that have emotional, physical and educational needs to assist them to stay in school and complete the path to graduation.

Left to Right: Crystal Parrish (MKV Rep-County Schools), Sally-Ann Palcovich (ALKB President) and members Cathy Davis, Denny Jamarck, Linda Johnson, and Linda Hartenberger


Showing a Warm Winter Shirt is Leslie Wilkenson, Vice President, Philanthropic, for ALKB. Note some of the full bags of clothing sitting on the floor.