Stockton – Caring Hope

Feeling good about Stockton

I am impressed by and thankful for the many uplifting and eye-opening articles printed in the “My Record” section over the past few months.

Every day, I open the newspaper to read of horrific things happening in the world and our city, but then I turn the page to “My Record” and find heartwarming stories of really good, caring things going on in our community.

People like the “Guardian Angels” (Jan. 18) inspire all of us to be just a little better today than we were yesterday. The December series on our many volunteer organizations was outstanding. The 56 articles telling the public about wonderful organizations like United Way, Women’s Center, Assistance League of Stockton and the H.O.P.E. organization gave all of us a view of a better Stockton: one filled with caring hope! Thank you.

Camilla Wolak