Empowering children to succeed

Operation School Bell® is Assistance League’s signature program. The goal is to help children succeed in school by providing new school clothing and books to advance their reading skills.

Each year, Operation School Bell clothes nearly 400 students

Children who go to school without adequate clothing often suffer low self-esteem. Students (K-8th grade) are identified by Livermore, Pleasanton and Dublin public school teachers and counselors. The children are invited to come to Kohl’s at a designated time to shop with a volunteer. They are outfitted from head to toe with the assistance of one of our caring member volunteers.

The children all leave with a huge bag of new clothes, wide grins and a renewed sense of confidence.

Each Child Receives:

While at Kohl’s, each student typically receives:

  • Pants
  • Tops
  • A warm jacket
  • A pair of shoes
  • And any other school appropriate clothing items
  • A reading book
  • A dental kit
  • …. a big boost in their self-esteem

Contact Us

Operation School Bell Team
(925) 461-6401