“This is such a wonderful program and even our ‘toughest’ officers have made very good comments about having the bears available. Thank you for a wonderful program, and for allowing us to share in making one moment in the life of a traumatized child a bit easier.”
Police Department
“This note is long overdue. Several years ago, my daughter had surgery at the children’s hospital. We needed to spend the night to get there early enough and locked her doll in the car which was too far away for my husband to get. Also, we left her favorite stuffed animal and blanket at home. A nurse brought her a teddy bear from your organization. She was so happy. It was such a relief to have a soft, cozy comfort on the stretcher with her. It is still on her bed and she is 15 now! I think of your kindness every time I see it. Thank you very much.”
Mrs. D. Smith
“We recently had a vehicle accident where a four-year old got behind the wheel of the car with her two-and three-year old siblings, and put the car into gear. The car rolled down the hill and struck two trees head on. We gave the little girl behind the wheel a bear, and we could not leave out her siblings so they too got a bear. You should have seen their smiles! The little girl that was behind the wheel was treated for injuries at the scene but the bear helped her get through the crisis with little stress.”
Hospital social worker
Hospital social worker
Comforting Traumatized Children

Each year, Bears for Children provides thousands of new, child-safe, cuddly bears (affectionately known as “Little AL”) to comfort frightened children during crisis situations. Hospitals and other agencies distribute the bears to children in need of comfort during traumatic and stressful circumstances.
“When a child is in stress, it is great to hug one of our soft, cuddly bears for support,” said the Bears for Children chairman. “We all put in a lot of LOVE when we pack our Bears for delivery.”
We were able to provide 4,003 bears to comfort injured or traumatized children during the fiscal year ending May 31, 2024. Your gift of $50 will purchase six cuddly bears.

Network of Hospitals & Agencies
- Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Day Surgery
- Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Egleston
- Children’s Healthcare of Hughes Spalding
- Children’s Healthcare of Scottish Rite
- SafePath Children’s Advocacy Center
Assistance League of Atlanta is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and donations are tax deductible.