Over the summer, Assisteens managed their own philanthropic program, Operation School Bell® Support, but also found time to volunteer in several community initiatives. One of those was the mobile food distribution hosted by the League City Rotary in partnership with the Galveston County Food Bank.
Each truck contained fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy products. Assisteens helped to assemble the items and distribute to families in need in League City and surrounding areas. Over the course of the summer months, food was provided for over 2,300 people, with close to 1,200 of those, children.
“We are very appreciative of the Assisteens that helped us,”Amy Killgore, League City Rotarian remarked. “They not only helped with assembly and distribution, they carried the items to the families’ cars as well as helped with clean up after the event.” Amy has served in many capacities with the Rotary. Currently she oversees the Rotary Youth Leadership Award process. The event itself is a leadership camp for selected high school juniors.
“Our Assisteens are a fantastic representation of what is great about the youth in our area,”stated Karen Douglass, Assisteens Coordinator. “We have a fantastic auxiliary board, enthusiastic committee liaisons, and full support from our chapter. It is such a pleasure to be associated with such a fine group of young people,” she added.