Carnevale di Venezia Charity Ball Chairman Kathleen Courville and Vice Chairman Badiha Nassar, hosted a sponsor party at the home of Brooks Cima on Friday, January 12.
Sponsors and underwriters, as well as chapter Board members, gathered at the event where the special sponsor court was introduced. Chapter President Ann Marie Doolin provided an overview of the all-volunteer organization and gratefully acknowledged the financial support received for this upcoming event.
Assistance of the Bay Area is proud to introduce the Carnevale di Venezia Charity Ball Sponsor Court:
Honorary Captain – Merrill Crawford
Queen – Badiha Abu-nassar
King – Richard Lammers
Duchesses – Carol Latimer, Arlis Miles, Natalie Nassar, and Elaine Rister
Dukes – Doug Latimer, Herb Miles, George Rahbany, and Randy Rister
In addition, all the court regalia, with the exception of the Queen’s crown and scepter, was created and donated by Cindy Senger-Lewis.
Photos by Annette Snow Falks