Assisteens Support the Chapter with Snack Attack Packs Throughout the School Year

During the school year, Assisteens® of the Bay Area collaborates with the chapter to package 1,080 Snack Attack Packs, which are delivered to Deer Park ISD, La Porte ISD, and Texas City ISD.

The packages contain a microwaveable meal, a sweet and salty snack, and a drink.

Before the assembly, Assisteens also prepare the packages by affixing our labels and counting the appropriate number of utensils and spoons per district included with the food.

We are fortunate to have four teen liaisons who divide these duties. Marley Auttonberry and Monica Kramer Arzola lead package preparation after a membership meeting, while Ethan Haile and Reid Hamilton handle assembly guidance.

This initiative is the largest part of the auxiliary’s Basic Kneads philanthropic program, which aims to combat food insecurity in the community.