Assisteens of the Bay Area Lend a Hand for Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt
In addition to six independently-managed philanthropic programs as well as chapter initiatives, Assisteens® will participate in community service activities approved by the coordinator. For several years, Assisteens have helped assemble…
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Assisteens Pay a Visit to HeartIs Clear Lake Senior Living Facility
Notes for Folks, an Assisteens® philanthropic program launched in 2016, allows the teens to connect with seniors who reside at the HeartIs Clear Lake Senior Living facility in the…
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Assisteens Feature Program Speaker, Diane Overman, at March Meeting
In addition to electing officers and approving the 2018-2019 budget, Assisteens were treated to a program presented by Diane Overman, Overman College Consulting at the membership meeting on…
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Assisteens Elect 2018-2019 Leadership
Congratulations to the newly-elected officers and elective standing committee chairman! Sanjna Anand, Chairman-Elect Sharif Abouleish, Vice Chairman Membership Ally Boehning, Vice Chairman Philanthropic Programs Anna Micheletti, Vice Chairman Resource Development James Shepherd, Secretary Kit…
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100 Women Who Care Designate Assisteens of the Bay Area as Nonprofit Beneficiary
At the last quarterly meeting of 100 Women Who Care – Clear Lake Bay Area, Chairman Daniel Monks and Vice Chairman Philanthropic Programs Divya Sashital presented to those in…
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Assisteens Host Restaurant Night at League City’s Pizza Fire
In an effort to put the fun into fundraising, Assisteens® of the Bay Area are focusing their efforts in partnering with local companies, primarily eateries in the area, to…
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Assisteens Team Up with Kendra Scott on Monday, January 22
For the past several years, Assisteens of the Bay Area have held an annual 5K run.
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Assisteens Leadership Design New T-shirt
After attending the Assisteens Conference, the auxiliary board determined a new t-shirt design was in order! In order to eliminate any confusion about where “the Bay Area” is located, the…
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Assistance League of the Bay Area and Assisteens Champion Literacy
It was a dark and stormy night! Well, maybe misty and humid for the kick-off of Legacy of Literacy at the Clear Lake United Methodist Church Trunk or Treat…
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Assisteens of the Bay Area Lend a Helping Hand with Mobile Food Distribution
Over the summer, Assisteens managed their own philanthropic program, Operation School Bell® Support, but also found time to volunteer in several community initiatives. One of those was the mobile…
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