Assistance League Members Attended Dedication of George W.S. Abbey Odyssey Academy Campus
Sarah Foulds (far left) and Linda Byrd (third from left) joined Dr. Jennifer Goodman, Superintendent, (center) at the dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony for the newest Odyssey Academy campus, George…
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Through Early March Ready for Work Philanthropic Program Has Served 44 Individuals
Ready for Work actively assists individuals in choosing the ideal outfits for interviews and their first day on the job. So far, forty-four people have benefited from visiting the…
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Chapter Supports National Nutrition Month through Two Philanthropic Programs
Proper nutrition is essential, and every bite matters. National Nutrition Month® emphasizes healthy food choices and the importance of establishing positive eating and physical activity habits. Assistance League® of the…
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Chapter Has Served 70 Senior Females for Operation Cinderella
Did you know fairy godmothers exist? In Assistance League® of the Bay Area, they do! Several young women have come to the Operation Cinderella Boutique at the Clear Creek ISD…
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Steve & Elaine McGough Foundation Awards the Chapter $5,000 for Philanthropic Programs
Assistance League® of the Bay Area extends its gratitude to the Steve & Elaine McGough Foundation for the generous $5,000 donation to be utilized for the chapter’s philanthropic programs. We…
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Ready for Work Committee Serves Clients Seeking Re-Entry into the Workforce
The Ready for Work team at Assistance League® of the Bay Area is thrilled to have helped clients find the perfect clothes and accessories for their upcoming jobs. Through referrals…
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Andrews Foundations Gifts Chapter $2,500
Thank you, Andrews Foundation, for your generous contribution to our philanthropic program, Operation Support Our Schools. A recent $2,500 grant will enable Assistance League® of the Bay Area to continue…
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Deer Park ISD Representatives Accept Snack Attack Pack Delivery
Deer Park ISD district representatives smiled when they received this month’s Snack Attack Pack assembly, which included 430 meals. Adult volunteers shop for the food —a microwaveable meal, a…
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Adults and Assisteens Collaborate to Address Food Scarcity for Students
Chapter members were joined by eighteen Assisteens® for their collaborative project, Snack Attack Packs, where 1,080 snack bags were assembled for delivery to three school districts on Sunday, February…
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Just a Pretty Table Event Offers Three Incredible Raffle Prizes
The Just a Pretty Table committee announces three incredible raffle prizes, with tickets available at the chapter’s award-winning resale shop, beginning today, February 11, 2025, and continuing until Wednesday,…
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