Assistance League of the Bay Area Reaches 2400 LIKES on Facebook
With a social media presence that began on Facebook in 2015, Assistance League® of the Bay Area announced the page has now reached the 2400 LIKES milestone.
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A French Country Christmas Holiday Extravaganza Scheduled to Debut on November 10th
The Holiday Extravaganza returns! Mark your calendars for November 10 as the chapter’s award-winning shop will offer a vast array of decorative items, clothing, and furnishings, all appropriate for the…
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HEB Collaborates with Assistance League of the Bay Area and Assisteens of the Bay Area for October’s Snack Attack Pack Assembly
October’s assembly of the Snack Attack Packs was a collaboration with H-E-B representatives from the Heb Foods Bay Colony and HEB – League City Market locations. Nia Riles,…
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Assistance League of the Bay Area Hosts Spotlight Table at League City Regional Chamber of Commerce Membership Luncheon
Chapter Advisory Council member Glenn Freedman stopped by to say hello to chapter President, Charlene Donovan, and Vice President Philanthropic Programs, Melanie Lovuola at the League City Regional Chamber…
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Ready for Work Philanthropic Program Serves Additional Clients
Offering an opportunity for men and women who are re-entering the workforce after a job loss or changed domestic circumstances to be attired in clothing required for the interview…
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Assistance League of the Bay Area Serves 1600 Students through Operation School Bell
Throughout eight weeks of dedicated shopping at Kohl’s Baybrook, League City, and Pasadena, and Target Baybrook and Galveston, 1600 students were provided appropriate school clothing, undergarments, shoes, socks, outerwear,…
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Chapter Applauds Partners Addressing Domestic Violence during Awareness Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month takes place every October. It evolved from a Day of Unity first observed in October 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent…
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Operation Support Our Schools Continues Food Deliveries to Communities In Schools – Bay Area Campuses
Sarah Foulds delivers nonperishable nutritional items to her Operation Support Our Schools campus, Space Center Intermediate, and Communities In Schools – Bay Area Student Support Specialist Stephanie Hornung. Members of…
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Ready for Work Philanthropic Program Serves Ten Clients Since June 1st
Since June 1, 2021, ten young women have received appropriate outfits suitable for job interviews or the first couple of weeks at work. Five clients were from the United…
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Check Representing Service Hours and Value of a Volunteer Hour Unveiled at September Meeting
The US Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics values the volunteer hour at $28.06. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Assistance League® of the Bay Area members demonstrated their…
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