Become a Member
Do you want to make a difference in your community and meet other dynamic and diverse individuals? Then we invite you to join Assistance League of Bend.
- Member-based, 100% volunteer, nonprofit organization
- Open to those who have the time and passion to volunteer (no minimum hours requirement)
- Choose to be involved with philanthropic programs and fundraising events that interest you and that would benefit from your special skills and talents
In fiscal year 2023-2024, Assistance League of Bend members and community volunteers donated 14,572 hours making a positive impact on our community.
Membership Levels and Requirements:
- Encouraged to attend monthly luncheon/business meetings
- Serve on one standing committee each year
- Participate in philanthropic programs and events
- Dues are $75 per year
- Open to individuals who have been a member for at least two years
- May participate in philanthropic programs and events
- No requirement but may serve on a standing committee or attend monthly luncheon/business meetings
- Dues are $100 per year
Prospective Member Process
Prospective members are introduced to the organization through an orientation and mentoring process that includes a tour of the Chapter House and one additional training session. Orientation is offered in August, October, February and May.
To learn more about becoming a Member, contact our Membership Chairman at