Assistance League of Greater Cincinnati Honors Scott Lovdal and Industrial Environments
Scott Lovdal, President and Owner of Industrial Environments, for his and his employees continuous variety of services to make Assistance League of Greater Cincinnati’s Operation School Bell’s clothing distribution run smoothly and efficiently.
Assistance League of Boise honors the Curt Goldgrabe and John F. Nagel Foundation
Assistance League of Boise honored the Curt Goldgrabe and John F. Nagel Foundation with a National Operation School Bell Award for the Foundation’s continued grants and interest in Operation School Bell program.
Assistance League of The Columbia Pacific Honors Oshkosh B’gosh Seaside Factory Outlet
Oshkosh B’gosh Seaside Factory Outlet received a National Operation School Bell Award for the various ways the store and its employees have worked with Assistance League of the Columbia Pacific to best clothe children in need in Clatsop County.
Assistance League of Bend honors Chris Schroeder Fain
Assistance League of Bend honored Chris Schroeder Fain with a National Operation School Bell Award for her long-standing financial and hands-on support Operation School Bell program.
Assistance League of Rancho San Dieguito honors County Supervisor Dave Roberts
County Supervisor Dave Roberts received a National Operation School Bell Award for his extraordinary work to bring media and public attention to Assistance League of Rancho San Dieguito’s Operation School Bell program.
A National Operation School Bell Award was given to the Rubens Family Foundation for a munificent donation to Assistance League of the Eastside to be used exclusively over the next few years to increase to 4,000 the number of students the chapter will clothe.