“Caring and Compassion” Abound for Telecare member volunteers, as well!
What a bountiful, sometimes unexpected emotional return!
Since 1971, member volunteers of TeleCare, a philanthropic program of Assistance League of Diablo Valley, have been making reassurance calls, Monday through Friday, to those in our community who are home- bound. As the chapter’s longest standing philanthropic program, TeleCare empowers the clients, no matter what their ages, to remain in their homes.
Imagine how TeleCare reassurance phone calls have comforted the homebound clients this past year during the pandemic! Likewise, imagine how the TeleCare daily phone calls have offset overall declining health! Client testimonials offer such insights as…TeleCare makes me feel more secure. It’s my security blanket. I know I’m not alone. What if I fell? No one would know. I know you would call someone… I really appreciate your calls and the sweet cards from Assisteens. Your service brings me relief and helps with the loneliness…You bring a sense of community and a connection… I enjoy your calls. I have family but they live their own lives. I would miss your calls if I didn’t have them. I love the caller. If it weren’t for TeleCare, some of the homebound would never receive phone calls.
Taking a different approach, imagine the gratification TeleCare member volunteers have derived just knowing that their phone calls and heartfelt conversations have lifted not only the clients’ spirits, but their own as well. What a bountiful, sometimes unexpected emotional return!
Let the following testimonials from member volunteers exemplify…It was surprising to me how spending a mere one half-day per month making TeleCare calls has so enriched my life. In the beginning I felt that I would be making “charity” calls, but in reality it is not that at all. I feel privileged to have conversations with people of different ages, backgrounds, and life situations… TeleCare is a reward that I have enjoyed since 2015! Through the years it has been a personal delight chatting with our wonderful clients; each one slowly becomes a friend. As time goes by, we begin to share stories about favorite books, movies, places where we have lived and where we have traveled, and Family! TeleCare has enriched my life!… I was able to pass along information about getting the covid vaccine shot. And the life-affirming realizations continue.