Assistance League of Everett has installed a new president to lead the nonprofit organization through its 51st year.
Joanne Gunderson, of Everett, has been a member for 18 years and has held various positions, including treasurer, Operation School Bell chair and philanthropic chair. She also served as president 10 years ago.
“I’m most involved with Operation School Bell,” Gunderson said. “I’m a past chairman, so that’s where my heart lies. If you saw the need, you would understand.”
The organization has also installed the following officers for the 2016-17 year: Carla Hogan, president elect; Margaret Lund, secretary; Amy Knutson, treasurer; and directors Chris Clements, Neena Blackwell, Diane Teske, Carol Forsberg, Caryl Thorp DeJong, Donna Day and Joanne Peterson.
Through its many philanthropic programs, Assistance League has helped those in need in Snohomish County since 1965.
One of the organization’s most well-known programs, Operation School Bell, provides new school clothing to children throughout 15 school districts in the county, including the Mukilteo School District.
This past school year, the league provided more than 4,500 children with new wardrobes.
Its other programs include Tees for Teens, Assault Survivor Kits, Operation Teddy Bear, Operation Self Help and Family Assistance, as well as two scholarship programs.
“We’re at a time where we need to assess where we’re at and how we can continue to grow our programs,” Gunderson said. “Since we moved to our building 14 years ago, we’ve tripled the number of kids we serve, so where do we go from here?
“So we need to focus on where we’re at and where we want to go.”
The Assistance League was founded by Kitty Young on May 4, 1965. The league is all volunteer and has more than 300 members.
In addition to supporting programs, they operate the league’s thrift shop in Everett and organize various fundraising events, including an annual home tour.
Proceeds from the thrift shop, at 5107 Evergreen Way, Everett, pay for new children’s clothing.
Two groups support the Assistance League mission – the Kitty Young Auxiliary and the Assisteens Auxiliary.
For more information, visit or call 425-252-3011.