Greater Wilmington – Recognizes Jan Jacobson with Ada Edwards Laughlin Award

Assistance League of Greater Wilmington celebrated another year of putting “caring and commitment into action” in New Hanover, Brunswick and Pender Counties.  At our end-of-the-year luncheon, the Ada Edwards Laughlin Award was presented to Jan Jacobson for her dedicated work for our chapter.  This award is presented to a volunteer who goes beyond all expectations to work quietly behind the scenes. Like Assistance League’s co-founder Ada Laughlin, Jan works quietly and diligently without recognition.  She works in the backroom of our Thrift Shop: cleaning, sorting, polishing, sewing and pricing. There is rarely a day that Jan doesn’t leave the shop with a basket full of items needing her attention. She also prepares kits for bags to be sewn that will hold personal items which are placed into each backpack for Operation School Bell®.  Her infectious smile and dedication are assets to our chapter and contribute to the success of our “Boutique Thrift Shop”.