On February 25, 2020, three members of Assistance League of Kansas City delivered much needed books to the Children’s Mercy Hospital Chapel Library. The books were donated through the Outreach Program and given in conjunction with ACTION! WEEK. Books on coping with grief, picture books and Spanish versions of popular children books are the most requested books. The thank you message from Bryan Spoon, Chaplain explains the need so eloquently.
We (the chapel library) do have a small yearly budget for books as well as count on some donations, but there are many who enjoy and benefit greatly from the chapel library. Since the founding of the hospital by Alice Berry Graham and Katharine Berry Richardson over 120 years ago, there has been a commitment to serving all children, regardless of their ability to pay. We share the Assistance League’s unwavering dedication to children, especially children in need, at-risk, or disadvantaged. The mission of the Assistance League is inspiring and I appreciate your commitment to helping us provide these important resources to children. The books on the list show diversity and there are many books that are highly appreciated by families who are working through grief.
I can only imagine that being involved at the Assistance League is similar to being part of the mission and purpose of Children’s Mercy. To provide care to children, especially those most in need is a special privilege. Thank you for all you do and for providing these books to these children and families. Rev. Bryan Spoon, MDiv, BCC | Staff Chaplain