Building Confidence

Operation School Bell provides brand new clothing and shoes to disadvantaged K-12th graders throughout Canyon County. The program provides far more than just a new wardrobe. It allows students to fit in better with their peers and empowers them to reach their potential.
For some children, this will be the first time they have had a new pair of shoes, a warm coat, or a toothbrush of their very own. New clothing has the potential to boost self-esteem, encourage school attendance, and improve academic performance.
Please contact the counselor of the school your student attends and they can determine your eligibility for the program.
2022-23 Program Review
Making A Difference
Operation School Bell shopping events are held at a local retail store throughout the year as funding allows. Students, identified by school personnel as those most in need, are given a personal care kit and a budget to shop for clothing and shoes.
Canyon County Branch members are present at all shopping events. These volunteers check students in and out, encourage them to try on clothing and shoes, and ensure the entire voucher is spent on school appropriate clothes, shoes and necessities.

Better Together
Canyon County Branch of Assistance League of Boise would like to thank the following grantors and local businesses for their support of Operation School Bell!