HY Hope

Creating Hope for Homeless Youth

With an increasing number of “homeless” students in Ada County, Assistance League of Boise found a way to support these students who have little or no parental support and who are experiencing various living situations to survive and still attend school. Our program works through the school districts’ social workers who have identified certain enrolled students as homeless unaccompanied youth (HUY), a federal government designation.

Students identified receive a rolling duffel bag (“indie”/independent) filled with personal hygiene and household items. Food and gas vouchers are also provided to assist. The indie bag allows these students to pack up these items plus their own additional personal items as they move, if necessary, to different living situations (i.e., from a car to a friend’s couch).

Purchase and preparation of these bags is provided by the Assistance League of Boise volunteers; however, the bags are given to the school districts and are distributed at the discretion of the social workers.

2023-24 Program Review


Youth Impacted


Thousand Dollars Spent

Making A Difference

“Assistance League’s HY Hope Project has been such a support to our homeless unaccompanied youth. When I have a student in my office and they share they are homeless, knowing that I have your duffel bags to offer is a tremendous help. Thank you for all you do!”

— School Social Worker

Assistance League of Boise members purchase items and fill roller duffle bags with personal care, kitchen and other domestic items. We deliver the “indie” bags to the social workers who distribute the bags to the HUY students as needed.