Assistance League of Boise is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of Treasure Valley residents. Membership is open to those who wish to be of service to our community and have the time and passion to volunteer.
Become one of us! Join an incredible group of volunteers who are dedicated to making a difference in their community.
Three Reasons To Join
Give families an opportunity for a brighter future.
Meet new people, make friends, work toward a common purpose.
Use your expertise or learn new skills to help your community.
Making A Difference
“I joined Assistance League of Boise shortly after I retired. I needed a purpose in my life and a community of friends. I got both from this chapter; deep friendships and the ability to make a difference in the lives of those in need. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve others with an amazing group of volunteers.”
— Karen, past Chapter President
“Assistance League Boise has kept my life vibrant and involved : new friendships, new community experiences and a deep sense of purpose after retirement. It truly is amazing what can be accomplished with a group of women with the same focus in providing support for our neighbors.”
— Carolyn, member since 2009

Join Us
Voting Memberships
Annual Dues: $60.00
- Members are typically retired/not working and available during weekdays. This category comprises the majority of our members.
- Annual Flexible Hours Target: 100
Professional Voting
- Members are employed a minimum of thirty (30) hours/week, OR student enrolled in a minimum of eight (8) credit hours/semester. These members comprise a committee and are usually available to serve Saturdays/evenings.
- Annual Flexible Hours Target: 75
- “Sisters Performing Acts of Remarkable Kindness” — Members are 50 years of age or younger. These members comprise a committee and serve as their personal time allows.
- Annual Flexible Hours Target: 50
Assistance League of Boise has a Canyon County Branch open to residents of Canyon County. Learn more about our Canyon County Branch
Nonvoting Membership
Annual Dues: $160.00
- Members support the Boise Chapter through their annual dues and may participate in programs and/or fundraising activities. Members do not vote or hold office, and generally do not attend meetings.