Foundations and Grantors 23-24 
Assistance League gratefully acknowledges donations in fiscal year 2021-2022 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses.

Assistance League of Charlotte Operation Check Hunger
DePalo Foods
Food Lion Foundation
Publix Super Market Charities
St. Matthews Catholic Church
Uwharrie Bank

Assistance League of Charlotte Operation School Bell ®
Blumenthal Foundation
Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated
The Mercanas Foundation

Assistance League of Charlotte Mecklenburg County Teen Court
Elevation Church

Amazon Smile
George W. & Ruth R. Baxter Foundation
David R. Krug Fund
La-Z-Boy Southeast Furniture Galleries
Lyon Foundation
St. Peter Catholic Church
Sports Med Properties
William D. and Nancy Barnhart Thomas

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges donations in fiscal year 2020-2021 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses.

Assistance League of Charlotte Operation Check Hunger
Altar’d State
Food Lion Foundation
London Stock Exchange Group
Publix Super Market Charities
St. Matthews Catholic Church
Uwharrie Bank

Assistance League of Charlotte Operation School Bell ®
Blumenthal Foundation
Carolina Panthers Foundation
Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated
The Mercanas Foundation

Assistance League of Charlotte Mecklenburg County Teen Court
Elevation Church
Mecklenburg Bar Foundation
Presbyterian Women of First Presbyterian Church

Amazon Smile
George W. & Ruth R. Baxter Foundation
W.P. Carey Foundation
David R. Krug Fund
La-Z-Boy Southeast Furniture Galleries
Lyon Foundation
Target Circle
True Homes Foundation
William D. and Nancy Barnhart Thomas

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges donations in fiscal year 2019-2020 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses.

Assistance League of Charlotte Operation Check Hunger
Publix Super Markets Charities
Uwharrie Bank
St. Matthews Catholic Church
Food Lion

Assistance League of Charlotte Operation School Bell ®
The Blumenthal Foundation
The Merancas Foundation
Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated
Speedway Children’s Charities
St. Gabriel Catholic Church Tithing Committee
Live, Love, Serve Foundation
Provident Benevolent Foundation

Assistance League of Charlotte Mecklenburg County Teen Court
Mecklenburg Bar Foundation

The Leon Levine Foundation Sandra and Leon Levine

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges donations in fiscal year 2018-2019 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses.


Assistance League of Charlotte Operation Check Hunger
Publix Super Markets Charities

Assistance League of Charlotte Operation School Bell ®
The Blumenthal Foundation
Coca Cola Bottling Co.
The Merancas Foundation
Speedway Children’s Charities
St. Gabriel Catholic Church Tithing Committee

Assistance League of Charlotte Mecklenburg County Teen Court
Governor’s Crime Commission
Mecklenburg Bar Foundation

Assistance League of Charlotte Capital Fund
Philip Van Every Foundation

The Leon Levine Foundation
Sandra and Leon Levine
George W. & Ruth R. Baxter Foundation

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges donations in fiscal year 2017-2018 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses.


Assistance League of Charlotte Operation Check Hunger
St. Matthew Catholic Church

Assistance League of Charlotte Operation School Bell ® 

The Blumenthal Foundation
Carolina Panthers Organization
Coca Cola Bottling Company Consolidated
The Merancas Foundation
St. Gabriel Catholic Church Tithing Committee
Speedway Charities
Wells Fargo Foundation


George W. & Ruth R. Baxter Foundation
The Leon Levine Foundation
Sandra and Leon Levine

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges monetary donations to its philanthropic programs in Fiscal Year 2016-2017 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses.


Assistance League of Charlotte Operation School Bell ®

The Blumenthal Foundation
The Merancas Foundation
Speedway Children’s Charities
St. Gabriel Tithing Committee

Assistance League of Charlotte Mecklenburg County Teen Court

C. Governor’s Crime Commission

Assistance League of Charlotte Operation Check Hunger

CarMax Foundation
St. Matthew Catholic Church 


George W. & Ruth R. Baxter Foundation
Charlotte Merchants Association
Lucy Giles Foundation
The Leon Levine Foundation
Sandra and Leon Levine

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges monetary donations to its philanthropic programs in Fiscal Year 2015-2016 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses.


Assistance League of Charlotte Operation Check Hunger

Newman’s Own
St. Matthew Catholic Church

Assistance League of Charlotte Operation School Bell ®

Blumenthal Foundation
Charlotte Merchants Foundation Fund
Mecklenburg Medical Alliance & Endowment
The Merancas Foundation
St. Gabriel Catholic Church Tithing Committee
Speedway Children’s Charities
Wells Fargo Foundation

Assistance League of Charlotte Mecklenburg County Teen Court

C. Governor’s Crime Commission
Church Watson Law Firm


St. Peter Catholic Church

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges monetary donations to its Building Dreams Capital Campaign (2013 to present) from grantors, businesses, foundations and individuals.


Merancas Foundation
Myers Park United Methodist Church Wesley Foundation (Restricted to upfitting of Philanthropic Room)

Corporate Matching Grants

Bank of America
Duke Energy
General Electric

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges donations in fiscal year 2019-2020 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses.


Charlotte South Park Rotary
Optimist Club of Charlotte
Target Circle
Amazon Smile
La-Z Boy
Bombas Socks
Lion Foundation
Barnes and Noble

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges donations in fiscal year 2018-2019 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses.


Matthews United Methodist Church, 9th Gr. Youth Group
Providence Paint Company
Security Vault, Inc.
SouthPark Rotary
Starmount Garden Club
Tipperary Sales/La-Z-Boy Furniture


 Assistance League gratefully acknowledges donations in fiscal year 2017-2018 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses.


Association of Corporate Counsel (Restricted to Mecklenburg County Teen Court)
Community School of the Arts (In memory of Harriette Thompson)
Fig Tree Restaurant
Parker Poe Law Firm (Restricted to Mecklenburg County Teen Court Mock Trial)
Saint Peter’s Catholic Church
Security Vault Works
Sign Up Genius
South Park Rotary Bowl-A-Thon
Tipperary Sales/La-Z-Boy Furniture

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges monetary donations to its philanthropic programs in Fiscal Year 2016-2017 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses


Myers Park Baptist Church Mission Roundtable
Myers Park United Methodist Church – Martha Circle
PNC Bank
Sue Gorman Interiors
Tipperary Sales/La-Z-Boy Furniture

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges monetary donations to its philanthropic programs in Fiscal Year 2015-2016 from organizations, corporations, foundations and businesses


Barringer Construction
Carmel Country Club 9-Holers
Coca-Cola Consolidated (Restricted to Operation School Bell)
The Fig Tree Restaurant (Restricted to Operation School Bell)
North Carolina Alpha Sigma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa
Parker Poe Law Firm (Restricted to Mecklenburg County Teen Court Mock Trial)
Perry’s SouthPark Jewelers
Redwood Wealth Management, LLC (Restricted to Assistance League Scholarship)
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church McCauley-Diehl Circle
Tipperary Sales/La-Z-Boy Furniture

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges monetary donations to its Building Dreams Capital Campaign (2013 to present) from grantors, businesses, foundations and individuals.

Business & Corporate Donors

D&L Parts Company, Inc. Sunray Properties, LLC
ZAX Incorporated  (Zaxby’s Restaurant)

Friends of Assistance League


Adams, Kelly & Michael Gambhir, Ashish Mirello, Nina & George
Belcher, Mark Godehn, Audean & Berkeley Plonk, David
Biyombo, Bismack Holmes, Susan & Scott Rodrigues, Raoul
Bowles, Vickie Hubbard, Debra Russell, Randy & Brittany
Boyd, Mary Kelly, Andrea & Mark Salmon, Gail
Brackett, Rachel Lincoln, Ben Santee, Steve
Dries Kate Lundin, Mark & Sarah Steele, Cheryl
Dries, Kathleen Marmer, Abe Tontodonato, Denis
Dries, Michael McCranie Enterprises Topka, Lauren
Faucette, Lee McMullen, Kaye Warren, Frank
Finch, Jane Yale, Stacy & Don


Assistance League Members


Anonymous (3) Golden, Sally Prather, Anne
Adams, Lynn Gosselin, Karen Privette, Libby
Adden, Kim Greer, Kim Pruett, Joyce
Atkins, Holly Gregor, Jane Rackley, Kathleen
Andrews, Terry Grgurich, Mary Lou Reese, Renee
Augusta, Arlene Haas, Marsha Reynolds, Martha Anne
Bailey, Libby Hall, Jenny Riefler, Etta
Bartley, Mary Hammermann, Marion Rielly, Susan
Bednarcik, Grace Hearn, Robin Rizio, Gigi
Bergen, Rosella Hedworth, Diana Roberts, Susan
Berginski, Connie Hilton, Carmen Rosinski, Jane
Boswell, Lynne Holladay, Sandy Royster, Laura
Boynton, Sue Holt, Marian Runnels, Pat
Brackett, Susan Howard, Ann Sabatelli, Priscilla
Bradley, Nancy Howell, Julie Salvaggio, Ruth
Calvert, Josane Jones, Dolores Sanford, Judith
Carter, Kaye Junker, Janice Sayrs, Susan
Cherrybone, Sandi Kondovski, Strawberry Setzer, Pat
Cochran, Carol Kopald, Barbara Shue, Fran
Cooke, Bonnie Lakas, Janette Simon, Lisa
Coppinger, Marsha Leissa, Angela Smylie, Susan
Csoka, Judy Lisman, Marilyn St. George, Peggy
Curfman, Sally Little, Jean Stieber, Pat
D’Amico, Renee Lochman, Jane Stoddard, Denise
Daly, Carol Lomax, Becky Sugg, Mary
Davis, Ann Lundin, Carolyn Tankle, Debbie
DiCicco, Debbie Lunking, Angela Thomas, Peggy
Doherty, Bernie Maples, Lucinda Thomas, Susie
Donaldson, Beverly Marlier, Susie Thompson, Harriette
Dowless, Norma Massey, Sarah Timmerman, Sue
Dries, Pat Mazer, Lois Tontodonato, Marlene
Dunegan, Cynthia McCain, Suzy Vandercook, Cathy
Elder, Kay McCarthy, Margaret Ann Wallace, Teresa
Elwanger, Carol Michalec, Bucky Wallis, Donna
Erickson, Cher Midkiff, Jean Weeks, Marilyn
Faucette, Kay Nash, Linda Weicks, Frank
Favreau, Ginny Nicholson, Mary Whinnery, Donna
Fifield, Kelly Olivo, Jane Whisnant, Fran
Finan, Teddy Parmele, Marlene White, Sandy
Finkel, Elaine Parry, Jo Ann Williams, Nancy
Flowers, Judy Pazder, Lynn Wolfe, Paula
Freund, Bonnie Pearson, Tressa Wood, Liz
Gadd, Cindy Pelton, Helen Zablotny, Anne
Gallagher, Laura Zinkievich, Marion
Gibbons, Shirley Zippay, Pat

Assistance League gratefully acknowledges monetary donations to its Building Dreams Capital Campaign (2013 to present) from grantors, businesses, foundations and individuals.


Assistance League Members


Anonymous (3) Golden, Sally Prather, Anne
Adams, Lynn Gosselin, Karen Privette, Libby
Adden, Kim Greer, Kim Pruett, Joyce
Atkins, Holly Gregor, Jane Rackley, Kathleen
Andrews, Terry Grgurich, Mary Lou Reese, Renee
Augusta, Arlene Haas, Marsha Reynolds, Martha Anne
Bailey, Libby Hall, Jenny Riefler, Etta
Bartley, Mary Hammermann, Marion Rielly, Susan
Bednarcik, Grace Hearn, Robin Rizio, Gigi
Bergen, Rosella Hedworth, Diana Roberts, Susan
Berginski, Connie Hilton, Carmen Rosinski, Jane
Boswell, Lynne Holladay, Sandy Royster, Laura
Boynton, Sue Holt, Marian Runnels, Pat
Brackett, Susan Howard, Ann Sabatelli, Priscilla
Bradley, Nancy Howell, Julie Salvaggio, Ruth
Calvert, Josane Jones, Dolores Sanford, Judith
Carter, Kaye Junker, Janice Sayrs, Susan
Cherrybone, Sandi Kondovski, Strawberry Setzer, Pat
Cochran, Carol Kopald, Barbara Shue, Fran
Cooke, Bonnie Lakas, Janette Simon, Lisa
Coppinger, Marsha Leissa, Angela Smylie, Susan
Csoka, Judy Lisman, Marilyn St. George, Peggy
Curfman, Sally Little, Jean Stieber, Pat
D’Amico, Renee Lochman, Jane Stoddard, Denise
Daly, Carol Lomax, Becky Sugg, Mary
Davis, Ann Lundin, Carolyn Tankle, Debbie
DiCicco, Debbie Lunking, Angela Thomas, Peggy
Doherty, Bernie Maples, Lucinda Thomas, Susie
Donaldson, Beverly Marlier, Susie Thompson, Harriette
Dowless, Norma Massey, Sarah Timmerman, Sue
Dries, Pat Mazer, Lois Tontodonato, Marlene
Dunegan, Cynthia McCain, Suzy Vandercook, Cathy
Elder, Kay McCarthy, Margaret Ann Wallace, Teresa
Elwanger, Carol Michalec, Bucky Wallis, Donna
Erickson, Cher Midkiff, Jean Weeks, Marilyn
Faucette, Kay Nash, Linda Weicks, Frank
Favreau, Ginny Nicholson, Mary Whinnery, Donna
Fifield, Kelly Olivo, Jane Whisnant, Fran
Finan, Teddy Parmele, Marlene White, Sandy
Finkel, Elaine Parry, Jo Ann Williams, Nancy
Flowers, Judy Pazder, Lynn Wolfe, Paula
Freund, Bonnie Pearson, Tressa Wood, Liz
Gadd, Cindy Pelton, Helen Zablotny, Anne
Gallagher, Laura Zinkievich, Marion
Gibbons, Shirley Zippay, Pat


Business & Corporate Donors

 D&L Parts Company, Inc. Sunray Properties, LLC
ZAX Incorporated  (Zaxby’s Restaurant)


Friends of Assistance League


Adams, Kelly & Michael Gambhir, Ashish Mirello, Nina & George
Belcher, Mark Godehn, Audean & Berkeley Plonk, David
Biyombo, Bismack Holmes, Susan & Scott Rodrigues, Raoul
Bowles, Vickie Hubbard, Debra Russell, Randy & Brittany
Boyd, Mary Kelly, Andrea & Mark Salmon, Gail
Brackett, Rachel Lincoln, Ben Santee, Steve
Dries, Kate Lundin, Mark & Sarah Steele, Cheryl
Dries, Kathleen Marmer, Abe Tontodonato, Denis
Dries, Michael McCranie Enterprises Topka, Lauren
Faucette, Lee McMullen, Kaye Warren, Frank
Finch, Jane Yale, Stacy & Don