Thank you for your interest in becoming a member volunteer of Assistance League® of Charlotte.
Membership is available to all adult individuals who agree to support the mission of the chapter and pay annual chapter dues.
You may join as either a Voting Member or a Nonvoting Associate Member.
ALL Members shall:
- Support the mission of the chapter
- Pay annual chapter dues
- Assume financial obligations as voted by the membership
- Have criminal background and Sex Offender Registry checks
Voting Members shall:
- attend regular chapter meetings as required
- participate in at least one Philanthropic Program and support fundraising activities of the chapter, including the Thrift Shop. Members are expected to serve an average of one (1) shift per month in the thrift shop
- have the right to vote and hold office
Nonvoting Associate Members:
- may participate in and support the philanthropic programs and fundraising activities of the chapter
- may attend regular chapter meetings
- may not vote or hold office
If you have any questions, please email our VP Member & Volunteer Services at vpmembership@alclt.org