The Simple Beauty in a Smile

For over 20 years, Assistance League of the Chesapeake has been filling the most basic needs of our neighbors, and in turn, filling their hearts — and ours as well. You can help ensure this important work continues. Each year:

  • We provide area school children with school uniforms and books at eight local Title I schools.
  • We provide reading support to teachers and librarians and Meade Heights Elementary and Georgetown East Elementary schools. We also provide books to students and organize several enrichment activities that promote positive behaviors for an effective learning environment.
  • Our Kids On The Block puppets perform an anti-bullying show for area second graders.
  • We lead sing-alongs for seniors at local assisted-living facilities.
  • We provide greeting cards to local seniors who have few or no visitors.
  • We gather basic supplies for young mothers-to-be so they have what they need to start their babies off with the best lives possible.
  • We provide clothing, furniture and other types of aid to those in need.

Please join us — volunteer your time or donate — to help us keep these programs going when more people than ever need our support. Your time or donation will ease someone else’s worries, and turn their lives into ones filled with pride and hope for the future.

Any support you give will have a meaningful impact in our community as we reach more students in need and spread more joy and hope.

What could be better?

LEARN about our Kids In Need school clothing program and our work in local Title I schools.

“Our Kids In Need program takes a village, and our members are responsible for providing school uniforms to thousands of students. Sometimes it’s the only new item of clothing these students will receive all year.”

Marty Sippel, Kids In Need Uniform Program Chair

Philanthropic Programs

Operation School Bell®

Kids In Need (KIN): Assistance League provides new school uniforms plus winter hats and gloves to students and seven elementary and one middle school in our county. This year we will give over 3,600 uniforms to in-need students.

Kids on the Block: Our volunteers and their toddler-sized puppets visit second graders throughout the county to talk with students about bully.

Project Literacy: Our volunteers work in classrooms, donate books to students, and organize several enrichment activities that promote an effective learning environment.

Smiles for Seniors

Greeting Cards: We provide a personal connection by sending greeting cards signed by our members to residents at eight assisted living facilities on eight holidays throughout the year.

Sing-Alongs: This interactive sing-along program allows seniors in assisted living to enjoy the songs they remember from their youth.

Neighbors in Need

Community Outreach: We provide clothing, furniture and other types of aid to those in need.

Showers of Love: Our members hold a shower and contribute baby items for expectant mothers via local non-profits that support struggling mothers and their children.

2023-24 Accomplishments


Our chapter provided over 3,500 uniforms and other clothing items to children in need in eight Anne Arundel County Title I schools.


Our chapter gave 1,366 books to schools for their libraries and to students to take home and share with their families.


Our Kids On The Block puppet troupe performs at least 13 anti-bullying shows for over 1,000 second graders at local schools.


Assistance League of the Chesapeake Kicks Off its Kids In Need Program

As summer comes to an end, Assistance League members focus their energy on its hallmark program – providing new school clothing to in-need students in eight local schools. These young students go to Anne Arundel County schools that require them to wear a uniform: khaki pants, a blue polo shirt and a blue sweatshirt. Assistance […]

End-of-Year Luncheon Celebrates the “Many Hats We Wear”

Assistance League of the Chesapeake members met for their annual end-of-year luncheon on June 13. Our theme was “The Many Hats We Wear,” and we celebrated all that our members do in the community. “The ability of women to fill so many roles demonstrates our versatility, resilience, and ability to adapt to various situations and […]

Thank you, Constellation!

Thank you, Constellation Energy, for the $500 Community Champions grant to purchase winter hats and gloves for children attending Title I schools in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Of the 691 hats and glove sets that Assistance League of the Chesapeake, Inc. volunteer members donated to these school children, 288 were purchased with this grant. Thank […]


Assistance League of the Chesapeake Kicks Off its Kids In Need Program

As summer comes to an end, Assistance League members focus their energy on its hallmark program – providing new school clothing to in-need students in eight local schools. These young students go to Anne Arundel County schools that require them to wear a uniform: khaki pants, a blue polo shirt and a blue sweatshirt. Assistance […]

End-of-Year Luncheon Celebrates the “Many Hats We Wear”

Assistance League of the Chesapeake members met for their annual end-of-year luncheon on June 13. Our theme was “The Many Hats We Wear,” and we celebrated all that our members do in the community. “The ability of women to fill so many roles demonstrates our versatility, resilience, and ability to adapt to various situations and […]

Thank you, Constellation!

Thank you, Constellation Energy, for the $500 Community Champions grant to purchase winter hats and gloves for children attending Title I schools in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Of the 691 hats and glove sets that Assistance League of the Chesapeake, Inc. volunteer members donated to these school children, 288 were purchased with this grant. Thank […]

Thank you to our 2022-2023 Grantors

We appreciate the community’s support of Assistance League of the Chesapeake. Parole Rotary Annapolis Rotary Crabfeast Anne Arundel Women Giving Together ACDS LDC Maryland Live! ACDS County Executive Community Support Grant Bombas Constellation Energy

Constellation Energy Awards Grant to Assistance League of the Chesapeake

Thank you to Constellation Energy for awarding us a $500 Community Champions grant. We used the funds to provide 168 winter hat and glove sets for children attending Tyler Heights Elementary School in Annapolis, MD. Through member donations, we also donated 425 sets of hats and gloves to five other local schools. Thank you for […]

Kids On The Block

The Kids On The Block (KOTB) puppeteers have been entertaining second-graders in Anne Arundel County for a decade and a half with a series of plays about bullying, as well as the positive aspects of learning to use kindness and caring in how we treat others, both in and out of school. All children love […]