Stork’s Nest Baby Shower 2020
The piles of boxes of diapers, umbrella strollers, clothing, bottles and other baby paraphernalia grew as members of Assistance League of the Chesapeake dropped of their donations at their…
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Our Chapter’s Accomplishments in 2019-20
Our chapter of Assistance League was really busy in the past fiscal year. Though the coronavirus put most of our programs on hold, we worked creatively to serve our…
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Assistance League Members Donate 30 Chromebook Computers to Families at Local Elementary Schools
Assistance League members Yolanda Perry and Marty Sippel along with Tiffany Foster (center), Meade Heights principal. New computers give underserved students the resources they need at Meade Heights and Georgetown…
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“Going the Distance”
To honor Black History Month, Assistance League of the Chesapeake sponsored a performance of “Going the Distance” by the Smithsonian Discovery Theater. The performance was…
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2019 Stork’s Nest Baby Shower
Assistance League of the Chesapeake members gathered December 12 at a very special…
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Constellation Community Champions Grant
Thanks to Constellation Energy’s Community Champions grant, Assistance League of the Chesapeake purchased 390 hat and glove sets for the children at Tyler Heights Elementary School in Annapolis, Maryland….
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AL Chesapeake Awarded $25,000 Grant
Assistance League of the Chesapeake has been awarded a $25,000 grant to support Kids In Need and Project Literacy. The grant comes from the Local Development Council of…
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Coming to You From a Sound-Proof Booth in Annapolis!
Kids In Need chair Marie Bossie and I spent a half-hour together late last month in a sound-proof booth! We were at the WNAV radio station being interviewed by…
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Assistance League of the Chesapeake Receives Grant from Parole Rotary
Assistance League of the Chesapeake is the proud recipient of a Parole Rotary Foundation grant of $3,000. The grant was awarded on June 11, 2019. The Parole Rotary Foundation…
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New Year, New Leadership
Assistance League of the Chesapeake announced its new board for 2019-20 at its May regular meeting. We look forward to a wonderful year continuing our work in Anne Arundel…
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