You Can Be a Part of Assistance League:
Working behind the scenes to help children and families
When Michele Kutta tells new friends that she is a mortician, they typically respond with a lot of questions: How did you get into the field? Have you had any unusual requests? How does your profession affect your day-to-day life? Michele responds with her usual openness, conveying the empathy that makes her excel in her field. This also makes her a great volunteer for Assistance League of the Chesapeake.
A chance encounter with two Assistance League members while at a community event led Michele to attend her first chapter meeting in 2016. “I thought there might be some volunteer work I could do to contribute to the community,” she says, “and those two members filled me in on all that Assistance League does.”
Michele is the kind of member who enjoys working behind the scenes. While she has helped with our Kids In Need program (where we provide school clothing to in-need children) and our Sing-Alongs for Seniors, her main work has been on the board, serving as Strategic Planning Committee chair and also spearheading our community marketing efforts.
Michele says, “Until joining Assistance League of the Chesapeake, I had no idea of the magnitude of poverty in our community and in Anne Arundel County in general.” She is motivated by the fact that, “In some small way I am assisting so many children and new mothers in need either through Stork’s Nest Baby Shower or Kids In Need.” The Stork’s Nest at Baltimore Washington Medical Center is for in-need, young mothers and Assistance League members donate new baby supplies to this very worthy cause.
If you attended the First Sunday Annapolis Arts Festival in May, you may have met Michele through her alter ego, “Claire,” one of our Kids On The Block puppets. The puppets are part of our anti-bullying shows for second graders that are held throughout the county. “I interacted with the kids walking by our booth with their parents. I quickly became invisible in their eyes and it was all about the puppet, which then inspired their parents to inquire about Assistance League,” said Michele.
You’ll have another chance to meet Michele and “Claire” at our booth at the October 6 First Sunday Annapolis event. Passers-by will also have an opportunity to donate a book and to sponsor a uniform for a child in need at one of our partner schools.
We hope to see you there!