Be a Part of the Solution
Assistance League Coachella Valley removes barriers for children, teens, and senior citizens facing financial hardship. Our members donate their time and talents to make a difference in our community.
Membership is open to those who have the time and passion to be of service.
Please join us in serving our community by volunteering with Assistance League Coachella Valley. Choose from the philanthropic programs and committees that are of interest to you and that would benefit from your special skills.
Make a difference in our community by sharing your enthusiasm and extending a helping hand.
We look forward to having you as a member.
Call our office at 760-848-0084 or email us at
Or download and send to us our New Member Info Form
1. You will learn patience.
2. You will have experiences that enrich you.
3. You will meet, and work with, amazing people.
4. You will learn and use all sorts of skills.
5. You will help make the world, and especially the Coachella Valley, better.
6. You will meet challenges with exhilaration.
7. You will be part of a team – something bigger than yourself.
8. You will make friendships that last a lifetime.
9. You will collaborate and exchange solutions.
10. Unlimited hummus! While hummus is not always served – we do enjoy lunch and conversation (when we are not working on our programs).
Help us make a difference.
Make new friends and work toward a common goal.
Use your current expertise or learn new skills.