Assistance League of Coppell Gift Acceptance Policy

Assistance League of Coppell, a nonprofit (501(c)(3) corporation, solicits gifts from individuals, corporations, foundations and others to fulfill and further the mission of the organization. The following policy governs the acceptance of gifts by Assistance League of Coppell and provides guidance to prospective donors and their advisors when making gifts to Assistance League of Coppel


The mission of Assistance League of Coppell is to have dedicated volunteers initiate and support community-based programs that promote wellbeing and encourage healthy, responsible choices.

Protection of Donors

Assistance League of Coppell encourages all prospective donors to seek the assistance of appropriate legal and financial advisors in all matters related to their charitable gifts, including the resulting tax and estate planning consequences of such gifts. Assistance League of Coppell will provide the donor with appropriate acknowledgments of gifts as required of the organization by federal or state law.

General Policy

Assistance League of Coppell will accept unrestricted gifts, and gifts for specific programs and purposes, provided that such gifts are not inconsistent with its stated mission, purposes and priorities. All final decisions on the acceptance, or refusal, of a gift shall be made by the Board.

Assistance League of Coppell shall not accept gifts that:
1. Violate the terms of Assistance League of Coppell’s organizational documents;
2. Would jeopardize Assistance League of Coppell‘s status as a tax exempt organization under federal or state law;
3. Are too difficult or expensive to administer;
4. Are for purposes outside Assistance League of Coppell‘s mission;
5. Could damage the reputation of Assistance League of Coppell.

Gifts Generally Accepted

The following types of gifts will generally be accepted by Assistance League of Coppell:

  1. Cash. Cash gifts are acceptable in any form, including by check, money order, credit card or electronic transfer.
  2. Marketable Securities. Unrestricted marketable securities should be liquidated by the donor (for example, through transfer to a donor advised fund) and then the cash proceeds donated to Assistance League of Coppell.
  3. Tangible Personal Property. Tangible personal property can be accepted for use as a raffle item for Assistance League fund raisers. Personal property donated for any other purpose should be liquidated and the cash proceeds donated.
  4. Bequests. Donors and supporters of Assistance League of Coppell are encouraged to make bequests to Assistance League of Coppell under their wills and trusts. The bequests will not be recorded as a gift until the gift is irrevocable.
  5. Life Insurance or Retirement Plan Beneficiary Designations. Donors and supporters of Assistance League of Coppell are encouraged to name Assistance League of Coppell as beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of their life insurance policies or retirement plans. Such designations shall not be recorded as a gift to the organization until the gift is irrevocable.

Timing for Receipt of Gifts

Assistance League of Coppell will not accept any gifts without adequate time to perform due diligence on the gift prior to acceptance.

Restrictions on Gifts

Assistance League of Coppell will accept gifts restricted for specific programs and purposes if such gifts are consistent with its stated mission, purposes and priorities. Gifts with restrictions should be reviewed by the Board prior to acceptance. The organization will not accept gifts subject to restrictions if the restrictions violate the terms of the chapter’s organizational documents, are too difficult to administer or are for purposes outside the organization’s mission.

Use of Legal Counsel

Assistance League of Coppell shall seek the advice of legal counsel in matters relating to the acceptance of gifts when deemed necessary and appropriate as determined by the Board.