The Assistance League of Corvallis thanks the following foundations for a record fundraising year. As a result of generous contributions from The Collins Foundation, the William Swindells Sr. Memorial Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation, Meyer Memorial Trust, The Ford Family Foundation, and Pacific Power Foundation, we raised $117,000 to replace the dilapidated garage that housed Operation School Bell.
The new building is a 1,200 square foot heated warehouse which provides clean, dry storage for clothing items, a handicapped accessible bathroom and changing room, and a dedicated office area.
In addition, the Chambers Family Foundation, Autzen Foundation, Grace Lutheran Church Foundation, Walmart Foundation Local Facility Giving Program, Rotary Club of Corvallis After Five, and Benton Community Foundation generously granted a total of! $13,000 enabling us to purchase new clothing and hygiene supplies for Benton County schoolchildren.
Thank you for your support.
Mary Ann Matzke
Friah Rogers
Assistance League of Corvallis