Assistance League

    Covina Valley

      Thrift Shop

626 E. San Bernardino Road
Covina, California  91723
(626) 332-6965


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 12-4 PM
Friday, Saturday 10-2 PM

Closed Wednesdays, Sundays,  Holidays


We accept credit/debit cards for purchases over $10.00.

We have a “NO RETURN” policy on all items purchased.

We are not accepting donations at this time due to your overwhelming generosity. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you so much for your continuing support.

  • Housewares       Linens/Bedding

  • Seasonal             Plants

  • Books                  Home Decor

  • Jewelry                Children’s Toys

  • Clothing

Thrift Shop Donations

Your donations are always appreciated!  Donations are tax deductible, a receipt will be provided.

Please bring your “gently used” items to the Receiving door located to the rear of the thrift shop.  Ring the doorbell, wait, and we will assist you in dropping off your items.
For safety reasons, donations are accepted only during business hours.  Please, do NOT leave items outside when we are closed, as they will be damaged by the weather.  Unfortunately, we do not have a pick up service.

Donor Policy

Donation Guidelines
Please, NO broken or damaged household items.
Please, NO damaged, torn, or stained clothing items.
We CANNOT accept the following items:

  • Large furniture, mattresses, or large appliances
  • TV’s, computers, or printers
  • Bed pillows
  • Encyclopedias
  • Cars or motorcycles
  • Large exercise equipment
  • Baby furniture, infant car seats