Your Contribution, Small or Large, Will Make a Difference!

Assistance League Flagstaff is a nonprofit 501(c)(3).  Your contributions are fully tax deductible.  We are a volunteer organization, therefore your contribution is maximized.  All donations stay in Flagstaff, benefiting adults and children in need through our philanthropic programs. Your gifts are greatly appreciated.

Donations to the Cedar Closet Thrift Shop

Proceeds from sales at the Cedar Closet help fund our philanthropic programs.  Bring your donations of new or gently-used items to the Cedar Closet, 2919 N West Street, Flagstaff, AZ on Monday 10:00 to 2:00 (donations only) or Thursday through Saturday 10:00 to 2:00 PM and stay to shop.  We offer quality merchandise at affordable prices.

Clothes for Kids

Clothes for Kids is a fundraising project to support Operation School Bell®.
To make an online contribution to this fundraiser, use the Venmo or PayPal links on this page and include a note indicating that your donation is for Clothes for Kids.

Assistance League Flagstaff is a Tax Exempt and Qualifying Charitable Organization

The Assistance League Flagstaff is a Tax Exempt Organization under 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  For documentation, click on the link below:

ALF_501(c)3 letter

The Assistance League Flagstaff is a Qualifying Chairtable Organiation for donors seeking tax credit on their State of Arizona tax returns.  Our QCO code is:  20659.  For documentation, click on the link below:

AZDOR_QCO letter

Donor Policy

To download a copy of our Donor Policy please click on the link below:

Assistance League Flagstaff Donor Policy

Individual Donations

Contributions can be made by check or on-line.

Please mail checks to:
Assistance League Flagstaff
P.O. Box 3297
Flagstaff, AZ 86003

Use the following links for on-line donation via PayPal or Venmo:

Corporate Donations

Local Businesses, Foundations and Corporate Branch offices in Northern Arizona are encouraged to give back to Flagstaff through donations and grants to Assistance League Flagstaff.  Please add us to your Employee Matching roster of non-profit agencies.  We also appreciate being the donor recipient of special events/raffles and shared exposure on print and media advertising.  Donated products and services may also help us achieve our mission.  For more information on how your business or foundation can offer support contact:  Jayne Clark, Chair Resource Development at

Assistance League Flagstaff is a 501(c)3 organization.  Click on the link for documentation provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS):
