With the funds we raise from membership, sales from our thrift shop – The Cedar Closet, fundraising events, and financial donations from our partners and members of the public, Assistance League Flagstaff volunteers run eight (8) philanthropic programs and services to help the community of Flagstaff.

Operation School Bell®

The Operation School Bell® program has provided new school clothes, shoes, a health kit and new books to children in the Flagstaff Unified School District since 1997.  Personnel at the elementary and middle schools identify children in need and obtain the necessary parental approved forms. 1,042 children were served during the shortened year August 2021 through February 2022.

The local Operation School Bell program is part of the National Assistance League program – every Assistance League chapter has this program.

Flagstaff Elementary schools served include:

  • Cromer
  • De Miguel
  • Killip
  • Kinsey
  • Knoles
  • Leupp
  • Marshall
  • Puente de Hozho
  • Sechrist
  • The PEAK
  • Thomas
Flagstaff middle schools served are:
  • Mount Elden Middle School
  • Sinagua Middle School
  • Summit High School’s Middle School Program

K.I.D.S. Kids in Difficult Situations

Assistance League Flagstaff supports the Safe Child Center which is located at the Flagstaff Medical Center (FMC). The Safe Child Center is a child abuse intervention and services program.  In 2022 this program provided support for 448 children.

Kiddie Closet

Kiddie Closet  provides a complete layette for newborns. Families are referred from various agencies in and around Flagstaff.

Layettes are made up of new clothing, diapers, a diaper bag and other items needed for the care of an infant.


Hug-A-Bear provides cuddly teddy bears decked out in T-Shirts with the Assistance League Flagstaff logo printed on them. These bears provide comfort to children who are experiencing traumatic circumstance. Teddy bears are distributed to first responders and the Safe Child Center. In 2022 Assistance League Flagstaff donated 775 bears to children in stressful situations.

A.S.K. Assault Survivor Kits

Kits assembled by Assistance League volunteers contain new sweat suits, pants, shirts, personal care items, a journal and a book on surviving assault. Victims of assault are often required to leave their clothing for evidence, making these kits appreciated during a time of great distress. In 2022 Assistance League Flagstaff gave 51 kits to victims of assault.

From time to time, Assistance League Flagstaff also provides funds for special projects as requested by the crisis intervention specialists.

Help for the Unsheltered

In 2013 we saw the need to help the unsheltered members of our community.  Our newest program provides new sweatshirts, sweatpants, caps, gloves and other essentials to be distributed  through local shelters. In 2022 this program served 2,500 people.

Thrift Shop Vouchers

In 2022, 775 individuals received complete outfits through our thrift shop voucher program.  Individuals and families were referred by area social service agencies.  They come to The Cedar Closet to pick out gently used items which are supplemented by some new items (e.g., underwear and socks) – with the help of a ‘personal shopper’ who is an Assistance League volunteer.

Sharon Manor

Assistance League Flagstaff volunteers assemble a laundry basket of new basic household items for women and children fleeing domestic violence who are residing at Sharon Manor – a residence for survivors of domestic violence and homelessness.  We also respond to periodic request for other services from Sharon Manor, for example in 2023 we provided Sharon Manor with a complete set of new linens for all their beds!