Assistance League Professional Humanitarian Auxiliary is the professional women’s auxiliary of Assistance League of Fullerton. It is known as ALPHA to members of Assistance League and its auxiliaries. Assistance League Professional Humanitarian Auxiliary is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to serve the immediate community. The auxiliary was organized in 1989 and received its charter in 1990. Members are professional or business women who wish to contribute to the community in a meaningful way. Currently ALPHA membership consists of nearly 70 members which includes members with active, sustaining and associate status.

ALPHA 2023-2024 Board Installation
How We Help
Funds are raised by Assistance League Professional Humanitarian Auxiliary’s annual fundraisers:
“A Day of Authors” (
These fundraisers support the following ALPHA philanthropic projects:

Day of Authors 2025
The Tiny Togs philanthropic program of Assistance League Professional Humanitarian Auxiliary supplies St. Jude Medical Center’s Healthy Beginnings Program with baby layettes and its Pediatric Mobile Health Vans with reading books.
Operation School Bell® is a philanthropic program of Assistance League that provides needy children with clothing, shoes, and supplies for school. ALPHA contributes the backpacks and school supplies for this program in conjunction with Assistance League of Fullerton.
Santa’s Closet is a seasonal philanthropic program of Assistance League of Fullerton that distributes practical household items and personal clothing to needy families.
Scholarship and Outreach Funding
- Tara’s Chance – Equine Therapy Scholarship
- La Vista/La Sierra and Buena Park High School Scholarships
- Fullerton Police Explore Post 204 Academy Scholarships
- Fullerton Public Library – Books for Children and Young Adults