Assisteens are auxiliaries of Assistance League chapters that encourage and provide volunteer opportunities for young people in Grades 7 through 12. The goals are to develop a sense of both community and personal responsibility, self-reliance, public speaking and leadership skills. Assisteens raise money in a variety of ways to fund ongoing Assistance League philanthropic programs that benefit their community. The Assistance League organization has more than 2,200 Assisteens members nation-wide.
Assistance League Glendale established our Assisteens auxiliary in 1996. The group meets on one weekend day a month during the school year with opportunities on other days as they come up. On Saturdays the Assisteens along with their parents man the register in the thrift shop.
Assisteens Philanthropic Programs Include:
- Assisteens make monthly favors for the Senior Neighborhood luncheons
- Adopt-a-Family program in December
- Send cards and letters to seniors, entertain seniors at Windsor Manor Retirement Center
- Kids Dental Clinic
- Guest Chef
- Volunteer in the thrift shop and hold various fundraisers throughout the year.
Each Assisteen is asked to complete 40 service hours annually.