Our Scholarship Committee was honored to offer a scholarship to Isabella Gomez from Adelante High School in Roseville. Isabella exhibits all the qualities the committee seeks in recipients. She is hard working, tenacious, community focused and has proven her desire to change her life trajectory. As one of her teacher’s pointed out she, “perseveres through difficult tasks, stays focused on her goals, and is respectful of the school community around her.” This teacher also said that Isabella “accepted the challenges of being a leader on campus full throttle and surpassed all expectations while doing so,” and “she always treats people with respect and often finds joy…in the little things,” so that “every room she enters, lights up due to her charisma and smile.” Another teacher enthusiastically recommended Isabella because Isabella is “intelligent, kindhearted, and resilient” and a person who “stands up for her principles yet doesn’t overpower others as she expresses herself.” Our committee members found all of this to be true when we interviewed Isabella for this award. Her dream is to become an ultrasound technician, and she plans to attend American River College in the fall to pursue that dream. Congratulations Isabella!
2020 Scholarship Winner – Isabella Gomez