Our chapter has just provided every kindergarten through third grade student (all 2300 of them) in the Western Placer Unified School District with their very own box of Crayola crayons! Our all-volunteer nonprofit organization reached out to Placer County School districts to ask if there were new areas of need due to COVID. One of the responses over and over again was the need for each student to have his/her very own school supplies, as due to safety concerns, students would no longer be able to share class supplies. Mention was made by Western Placer Unified School District Superintendent, Scott Leaman, of the need for individual boxes of crayons for students. Our Chapter stepped up to this need with their “Caring With Crayons” campaign, and delivered 2300 boxes of crayons to the Western Placer School District office on August 6th. The children will be happy to have their very own crayons! Pictured are Assistance League of Greater Placer President Paulette Benedict, District Deputy Superintendent of Educational Services, Kerry Callahan; VP Membership, Linda Oddo; and Operation School Bell® Chair, Vicki Harris.
Caring with Crayons Campaign