We are pleased to announce that Elizabeth Paval, a graduate of Rocklin Independent Charter Academy (RICA), is one of the six Placer County seniors who were awarded a $1000 scholarship! Elizabeth embodies all the qualities the scholarship committee seeks in recipients. She is mature and focused on her education, which is one of many strengths that will lead her to succeed in college. Her counselor described her as “an intelligent and insightful thinker.” Her teachers described her as tenacious and hard-working. When we interviewed Elizabeth, we found all of this to be true. In her own words she says, “I aim to make a difference in my community and this scholarship will definitely be the difference-maker when it comes to affording the education I need to do that.” Elizabeth is attending Sierra College this fall, majoring in Business Administration. We are honored to support her. Congratulations, Elizabeth!
Elizabeth Paval – 2020 Scholarship Winner