Members have been stocking Placer County schools’ “Clothes Closets” during the pandemic. Many of the 104 schools that we work with to clothe children in need have small emergency clothes closets on campus. A small amount of warm clothing and underwear is kept to help children who have accidents, get wet or muddy, or who simply need more to wear on a cold day. Members of the committee purchased over 1400 items online and in stores. Children will be able to get warm, dry clothes, when needed, so they can stay in school instead of having to go home to change clothes. Thank you to the members who worked hard to put this project together: Vicki Harris, Operation School Bell Chair; Janet Lawton, School Clothing Chair; and committee members: Jamie Hershman, Mary Ann Flemmer, Julie Malvey, Barbara Saco, Deb Dalke, Patricia Swan, Terren Powell, and Linda Martinez.
Members Help Stock “Clothes Closets”