Assault Survivor Kits® originated in 1991 in Auburn, California, introduced by Lee Ann Greer, a member of our Assistance League chapter. Other chapters across the United States have successfully adopted this program. The original program provided new clothing and essential hygiene items to
victims so they could leave the hospital in a dignified manner after they rendered their clothing to the police as evidence. Over the past several years,
however, it was discovered that rather than provide kits, it would make more sense to provide not only clothing but journals, bottled water, tissue packs,
stress balls and other items suggested by Stand Up Placer, an organization dedicated to saving lives by empowering survivors and educating communities to stand up to domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.
Besides adding to the items originally provided, the program underwent another change in 2018 when its name was changed to Support for Assault Survivors.
This took place after several discussions with Stand Up Placer representatives. It was determined, Assistance League could better serve a need in our
communities by including support for not only victims of sexual assault, but also victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. Now the supplies, given to
Stand Up Placer, can be used for any type of assault victims. In addition, this committee is providing needed supplies for use in a safe house, and putting
together gift baskets for victims moving from the Safe House to an apartment or home.