Board of Directors, 2024-2025

Trink Easterday


Trink is a 5th generation Oregonian and proud of it!  She attended Stephens College for her AA degree and graduated from Oregon State University in broadcasting and journalism.  Trink’s professional career centered on directing volunteers primarily in health care in the nonprofit and corporate sectors. Her other passion besides her family, is volunteering in various nonprofits. Since joining the Assistance League in 2022 she served as the Procurement Coordinator for Promenade Portland. Trink has been so impressed with the high caliber of volunteers, as well as the mission and the extraordinary accomplishments of the league with its focus on children and families!

Mary Feldman

President Elect

Mary grew up in Eugene and graduated from Scripps College in Claremont, California. Then she and her college sweetheart husband Harold (later to become the 2nd male member of ALGP) moved back to Eugene where her 22-year career with the City of Eugene included years as a Human Rights analyst focused on the rights of people with disabilities and then as the City Recorder. After retiring Mary & Harold moved to Portland in 2019 to be closer to 2 of their 5 grandchildren. Since joining ALGP in 2021 Mary has enjoyed working in Consignment as part of the furniture team, helping with Operation School Bell, being on the Membership and Bylaws committees, and being around so many friendly, talented and dedicated volunteers. Besides ALGP, Mary’s passions are spending time with the grandkids, traveling, cooking, hiking in Forest Park, and reading.



Patty Funes

VP Membership

Patty graduated from Willamette University in Salem. She taught Math in the Parkrose School District. She joined Assistance League: Greater Portland in 2003. Patty has worn many hats at the chapter including President, VP Membership, VP Philanthropic Programs, VP Finance, VP Strategic Planning, Treasurer, Fundraiser Chair, and Operation School Bell co-chair. She has a busy life full of friends, family, laughter, gardening, and good food.

Peggy Albertine

VP Philanthropic Programs

Peggy remains strongly committed to the mission of the Assistance League of Greater Portland and advocating for the needs of children suffering from poverty and homelessness.  Now retired, she spent 39 years teaching young children in the Centennial School District including many immigrant families, where she developed a deep understanding of their struggles and needs.  A 1976 graduate of Lewis and Clark College in Education, Peggy is the mother of three grown sons.  In retirement, Peggy spends her time reading, gardening, walking in her Irvington neighborhood, traveling, supporting opportunities for women’s education and reaching out with joy and care to everyone including her husband, Dave.

Linda Larson

VP Retail Sales

Linda was born and raised in Montreal and moved to Boulder, Colorado to get married. Linda has had several careers, the highlights of which are assistant manager in a large data center at Environment Canada where they were responsible for weather forecasting for the country.  She worked in HR as employee Benefits Manager for a large hospital in Boulder and HR Director for a fast growing startup in Colorado Springs. It was there that Linda went to nursing school and had the opportunity to spend two hours in an operating room during her training.  Linda knew at that moment that surgery was for her, and after spending 3 years in Switzerland with her family where she had wonderful work, lifestyle, and travel experiences, Linda and her family moved to Portland where she has spent the last 26 years and still counting working in surgery. Linda discovered Assistance League years ago when she began to consign some of her large jewelry collection and  joined in 2019. “The longer I am involved with the League the more impressed I am with such a hard working and congenial group, whose efforts do everything to improve the lives of so many in our community”.

Penne Chapin-Zeigen

VP Resource Development

With a bachelor of arts in Arts Management, gallery management and interior design were natural choices to pursue.  When opportunities to work with non-profits in fund development were offered to her she knew that she had found her purpose – non-profit administration and organizing major fundraising events.  For more than 30 years she has worked with large non-profit organizations using her creative design experience to have raise funds to support the organizations programs. Penne joined ALGP in early 2022 and accepted the Co-Chair position for its signature fundraiser, Promenade Portland 2023, and now working on Promenade Portland 2024.

Harold Feldman

VP Building Management

About to celebrate a milestone 50th anniversary with wife Mary, Harold was inspired to join ALGPDX by witnessing its tremendously positive impact on the greater Portland community and the fulfillment experienced by so many of its dedicated volunteers. Retired from a career in financial services, Harold finds new opportunities to give back by tackling the challenge of maintaining the Chapter House and meeting the ongoing demands required to support its optimal utilization and safety. In his spare time, Harold cherishes family time , trips with Mary exploring fine wine regions both local and global, entertaining friends, volunteering at the Portland Japanese Garden, and the satisfaction of providing handyman repair services when needed.

Jane Murphy


Jane graduated from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Accounting and received a Masters of Arts in Teaching  in Secondary Education from Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon, with an emphasis in Business Education.  Her career spanned 16 years in Accounting for Atlantic Richfield Company (Texas and Alaska) and Wonder Bread and Hostess Cakes (Colorado and Oregon).

She began a new career at Central Catholic High School in 1993 as their Business Manager and then moved to the faculty side teaching Sports Marketing, Personal Finance, School Yearbook, and administering AP Exams and retired in 2018.  She joined the Assistance League of Greater Portland in fall of 2022.  This will be Jane‘s first position on the board as VP Marketing and Communications.  She enjoys traveling,  cross-stitching, crochet and knitting.

Peri Mahaley

VP Strategic Planning

Peri is relatively new to Oregon and the Assistance League of Greater Portland, but is already captivated by both. She holds Bachelor of Science and Law degrees from Georgetown University. She practiced law for 40 years in Washington, DC, focusing on commercial litigation and insurance coverage. As an attorney, she represented several nonprofit organizations, including on a pro bono basis, and she served on the Board of a community theater company. She looks forward to assisting the chapter to refine and implement its strategic vision. She loves retirement, especially her work at the chapter, spending time with her grown sons and two granddaughters, cuddling her adorable puppy Ziggy, and singing in a citywide a cappella choir.

Leslie Anton


Leslie grew up in the Bay Area in California. She graduated from Portland State with a degree in General Studies. Leslie had an eclectic working career doing Admin and Finance work, and working for a small high tech company in sales and technical recruiting. As a semi-retirement gig Leslie worked at New Seasons Market for thirteen years before retiring in 2015. She joined Assistance League in 2017 and she has been amazed at what the chapter accomplishes and how the members work as a corporation with all volunteers. The diversity of backgrounds within the membership is what makes everything happen.

Mary G Johnson

VP Marketing Communications

Mary graduated from the University of Idaho with a degree in Communications with emphasis in Public Relations & Advertising.  She joined the Assistance League of Greater Portland in 2017.  She has served a two-year term as VP Membership, one year as President-elect and one year term as President. Mary has been twice involved as Promenade Fashion Show coordinator for the league’s major fundraiser.  Mary introduced Instagram and Facebook to the league for promoting our retail shops and membership, and is an active contributor to our social media promotions.  Mary is a full-time Portland Metro Realtor.

Previous Board of Directors

Year 2023-2024

Year 2022-2023

Year 2021-2022