Elementary and middle school students in need, Kindergarten through 8th grade, are brought to the San Jacinto Walmart where they choose $85 in clothing.
Operation School Bell®


Susan Gaites, Scholarship Chairman, and her committee interviewed candidates and selected six Mt. San Jacinto College re-entry students to be awarded a total of $13,500 in May 2019.
Teen Parents Support Program

Under the leadership of Chairman Monica Martinez the Teen Parents Support Committee support teens who are earning their high school diploma while raising their infants and toddlers, who are also enrolled in the Cal-SAFE program. The committee provides monthly perfect attendance and incentive awards. Holiday and graduation events are held and are well received by these teen parents.
This committee also rewards high achievement goals with the presentation of scholarships to teen parent graduates who set pathways for higher education after graduation.
Information on the Cal-SAFE program: www.rcoe.us/student-program-services/alternative-education/cal-safe-program