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Early Intervention Program
Operation School Bell – Chapters for Children
Operation School Bell – Scholarships
Operation Preschool Readiness
Operation Hunger
Operation Homefront America
Shea Center for Therapeutic Riding
Collaborative Courts
Supporting Seniors
Cultural Enrichment Programs
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Thrift Shop
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Assistance League Sites
Assistance League - Laguna Beach
Membership Application
Membership Application
Membership Application Form
" indicates required fields
Membership Category: Choose One
Voting Members are actively engaged in carrying our our philanthropic programs as well as the fund raising these programs require. Professional Members shall be employed or carry academic units or have a child under age 18.
Voting Member
Professional Member
Street Address
ZIP Code
Primary Phone
Secondary Phone
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Emergency Contact
Name and Phone Number
How did you hear about Assistance League of Laguna Beach (ALLB)?
Social Media
Other Print Media
Thrift Shop
Other Assistance League Chapter
ALLB Member
If you were referred by an ALLB Member, please indicate the member's name.
Talents or Interests
Do you have any special talents or interests you are interested in sharing with ALLB? Select one or more.
public relations, marketing or advertising
retail sales or management
building maintenance
finance, accounting or banking
computer skills or computer programing
public speaking
leadership or project management
grant writing
document creation, editing or graphic design
Photo and Name Release
Assistance League of Laguna Beach has my permission to include my name as a member of Assistance League in its printed materials such as chapter newsletters, press releases, or other printed/electronic materials. Assistance League of Laguna Beach also has my permission to use any photographs or video images of me taken in connection with Assistance League activities in its printed or electronic materials and on the website.
I agree
I agree that I shall maintain a valid drivers’ license and proof of personal automobile insurance for using my own vehicle
for Assistance League of Laguna Beach business. Upon request, I shall provide copies of my license and proof of insurance to the chapter office. I shall not hold Assistance League liable for any claims that may result from accidents occurring while I am using my own vehicle for Assistance League business. I understand that there are inherent risks involved while participating in any Assistance League activity or event, I hereby accept and assume all of these risks, and all other risks, associated with my decision to participate in any Assistance League activity or event. I hereby freely and voluntarily accept for myself alone all risks of injury, illness or death.
I agree
Background Check
I understand that I will be contacted to complete a background check. This is required because of the interaction with minors/children during Assistance League activities.
I agree
Date of Birth
Your date of birth - month/day/year - is required for the background check.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Volunteer Agreement
I agree to fulfill the participation and financial requirements for the membership category I selected above.
I agree
Pay Dues Later or Pay Online Now: Choose One
You may opt continue and pay your membership dues online now or you may submit your completed application and pay your membership dues at a later date.
Continue and pay membership dues online now
Submit application and pay membership dues at a later date
Dues - Voting Membership (Half Year)
Voting Membership Orientation Fee
Voting Member One-Time Orientation Fee
Dues - Professional Membership (Half Year)
Professional Membership One-time Orientation Fee
Professional Membership One-time Orientation fee of $10.00
Total Membership Dues and One-time Orientation Fee
Volunteer in the Thrift Shop
Chapters for Children
Holiday Luncheon
Laguna Food Pantry Donation
Homefront America Christmas
Members Model Thrift Shop Clothing