Since 1961, Las Hermanas Auxiliary has supported chapter in every way, changing its goals to meet community needs. This support, in addition to service hours for the philanthropic programs, has included representation on the Board of Directors and on National Assistance League and chapter committees.
Las Hermanas members provide their time and talents in support of all Assistance League of Long Beach philanthropic programs and the Thrift & Vintage Shop. The auxiliary is a vital part of the organization. Members work at the Thrift & Vintage Shop, help provide school uniforms for children through Operation School Bell®, help ease a child’s hospital stay with ALa Carte, serve as mentors to Assisteens®, help improve community literacy with our Launching Literacy program, serve as docents for the Howard Collection, act as screeners for the Orthodontic Program, and much more. Las Hermanas members work together as “sisters” to bring joy and satisfaction to the membership as well as those in our community who benefit from their philanthropic work.
Las Hermanas also administers Assault Survivor Kits®. This program provides “wear home” clothing and hygiene kits to both adult and child survivors of sexual assault whose clothes are kept as evidence by the police, offering dignity in the face of vulnerability and fear.
Las Hermanas meets the second Tuesday of the month (except July and August) at the Cherese Mari Laulhere Philanthropic Center at 6220 E. Spring Street, Long Beach. Coffee is served at 9:30 a.m., followed by the business meeting at 10:00 a.m. Luncheon is served at noon.
Las Hermanas Auxiliary
Governing Body

Elected Positions
Auxiliary Chair
Kathryn Flippen
Chair Elect
Barbara Kedwards
Mary Breuer
Recording Secretary
Marilyn Brock
Auxiliary Assistant Treasurer
Jill Harding
Assault Survivor Kits Chair
Judy Tombleson
Program / Social Chair
Pam Ott
Internal Communications Chair
Susan Sheby
Thrift & Vintage Shop Liaison
Sally Moore
How to Join Las Hermanas
Membership applications are accepted from January through October. Informational sessions begin in the spring and membership begins in the first month of our fiscal year, in June.
For more information or if you would like to join Las Hermanas, please contact us at (562) 627-5650 or If you would like to be considered for membership, please complete and mail in the membership form.