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Assistance League of Long Beach awards the Patricia Delaney Horton Scholarship annually to one or more outstanding college students, considering both academic merit and financial need. Any freshman, sophomore, or junior in college is eligible to apply, including previous recipients of Assistance League of Long Beach Scholarships.

Because Pat and Wes Horton believed in the transformative power of a college education, they wanted to provide financial support to students who might not otherwise be able to attain their dream of a college/university degree.

Pat was a longtime member of Assistance League of Long Beach and was devoted to its philanthropic mission of helping children in need.  Her substantial contribution to Assistance League’s endowment fund demonstrated her belief in the concept of “paying it forward.”   It was her hope that her own good fortune would enable young people to acquire an education that would, in turn, make it possible for them to help someone in need.

The Scholarship Committee provides financial awards to students for academic performance at local educational institutions:  Long Beach City College (LBCC) and California State University, Long Beach (CSULB).  Financial support is also provided to Long Beach Unified School District for its music and vocal programs at the middle and high schools.  Two endowed scholarships from past Assistance League members are also awarded annually in accordance with the wishes of the donors.

Scholarship Committee members participate in the screening processes for the selection of the scholarship recipients at LBCC and CSULB.  Members are invited to attend award ceremonies sponsored by the colleges which provides a chance to meet the student recipients.

The funds awarded to LBUSD music programs provide accompanists and music coaches.  Funds also support the annual District Band Spectacular, a band competition for the District high school bands.

The generosity of two deceased Assistance League of Long Beach members, Patricia Delaney Horton and BettyAnn Kirkpatrick, has provided funds for endowed scholarships to be awarded to worthy college students.  The specific wishes of the donors are carried out in the screening and distribution of funds by the members of the Scholarship Committee.

“For the past two years, your support has made a significant difference in my educational journey, not only financially but also for the recognition of my abilities as a student.  As a mother of three sons, at times staying on track and keeping focus on my studies starts to fade with the pressures and endless responsibilities outside of school. However, receiving the Patricia Delaney- Horton Scholarship alleviates some financial stresses that will allow me to continue venturing this road to a university degree and pushes me to believe that I can do this.” — Lafleche Bourgeault