VVV Carol Monson Dec 2018

In 1997 Carol Monson joined Assistance League Minneapolis/St. Paul. She is a soft spoken person whose work and commitment speak volumes. She is detail oriented, very organized and tenacious in her efforts. Within just a few months of joining, she was asked to serve on the Chapter Board after the Secretary resigned and she said yes. While she was serving as President 2002-2003, the President-elect resigned, and the Board asked Carol if she would serve another year. She said yes again.

She has also served as VP Philanthropic, VP Marketing, Clothes for Kids Chair, and Newsletter Editor. She has served as Bylaws Chair for several years and oversaw multiple, some major, amendments to the Bylaws and Standing Rules, working closely with our chapter’s National Bylaws Consultant. She is currently sharing the role of Parliamentarian and has done so for the past few years.

For all the times she has said yes, Carol Monson is deserving of our Very Valuable Volunteer Award.