Shining Star Mary Scott 2020

The many ways she has contributed to Assistance League is a list that would keep us here all day! We can first begin with her kind, helpful personality and her ready willingness to be of assistance whenever we call for help. And for most of us, that is quite often! She responds quickly to requests and is so helpful that it often makes the task much easier to complete. She seems to always have fresh ideas and sage wisdom, as well as an engaging leadership style which brings out the best in those that work with her. She knows how to get things done and is extremely efficient with her data entry and the behind-the-scenes work she does for the organization. She has created AL surveys, assisted with the 20th Anniversary celebration, chaired Open Your Heart, willingly helped with Clothes for Kids roll-out includingall of the volunteer sign ups, assisted with re-vamping Placement Day and the list goes on! In short, no matter the task or position, she has always been committed to the Assistance League and stepped up whencalled upon. She is a stellar leader! She is enormously respected and appreciated by everyone who has worked with her. Words and phrases that describe her are unique, cheerful, thoughtful, supportive and “she makes big jobs seem effortless! AND We must not forget her wonderful sense of humor and fun. She is known throughout the organization as the “hat” lady, always surprising us with a fun hat when she presented during Chapter meetings. She encouraged her committees to sing and entertain when she was VP of Membership Development bringing a laugh and cheer to business meetings.

It’s time to recognize this wonderful Mother Duck who took such good care of all her Duckies! We are pleased to award Mary Scott the Shining Star!