This year is unlike any other in terms of the challenges it presents to schools, students and families. Schools and families are facing new teaching formats, schedules and greater economic stress due to the pandemic. Unplanned needs have arisen as a result. Assistance League® Minneapolis/St. Paul has stepped up to meet some of these needs.
Throughout the summer Assistance League was in close contact with school liaisons and social workers listening to them and asking how Assistance League could help the transition to school in the fall. The schools identified what they needed and Assistance League worked diligently to meet their requests.
“Our largest request to date came from the Minneapolis schools,” stated the Operation School Bell® Smart Start program chair. “They asked if we could provide school supplies to five different schools: Bethune, Sheridan, Cityview, Elizabeth Hall, and Nellie Stone Johnson.” As requested, Assistance League delivered over 1300 back to school supply kits which included pencils, a pencil case, a pencil sharpener, a glue stick, an eraser, a ruler, washable markers, colored pencils, scissors, crayons, wide ruled notebooks and pocket folders.
Similarly, Assistance League provided supplies requested by St. Paul and Richfield Public Schools. Elementary students at Riverview School received school supplies including a white board, stylus, and markers to help with their classes. In Richfield 250 thermometers were provided to students’ families to enable health checks before attending school.
Helping provide basic needs that enable learning is a key initiative of Assistance League. Close relationships with our school district partners allow us to really understand where our assistance is most valuable. “The schools have great needs and always express a sincere appreciation for all that we do.”