VVV Deb Sholl Dec 2020

This Very Valuable Volunteer joined Assistance League in 2000 and although it might very well be a shorter list if I were tell you which committees she has not worked on behalf of, I will still focus on all of the areas of the AL where she has shared her talents and passion: Care and Concern, Directory, Finance in several forms, Grants, Hospitality, Links, Lit Plus, membership, Nominating, Operation Graduation, Ready Set Read, Social, Speakers Bureau, Strategic Planning, and the Thrift Store.

Her leadership skills are outstanding and thankfully, she has chaired many of the above Committees, including serving on the Board. She has a positive and cheerful attitude which is infectious. She is described as being wonderful at teaching others the ropes in a clear, respectful and fun way. She is ever ready to help with any and everything asked of her and more.

Of late, has she rested? Oh no! This VVV has demonstrated a dedication to the success of the Thrift store which is unparalleled. She devoted countless hours with the Thrift Store team in June and July preparing for the store to open, even making masks for fellow volunteers. If there are processes to be improved, as in the current unit pricing teamwork, this VVV is at the center of the work.

Every single Monday, this VVV is not only in the shop getting us ready for the coming week, she is taking pictures and assembling clever and eye-catching newsletters that go out to our customer list. Her weekly Thrift Shop Update is always innovative and very creative with a new theme each time and beautiful photos. Customers report they look forward to receiving it each week to see what she has included.

Further, while there are a host of dedicated volunteers—this VVV is the one who comes to mind as the   anchor, who can always be counted on to fill a shift, lead for the Day, or step in at the last minute when there is an unexpected absence, earning her the title of “Queen of the Last-Minute Pick Ups” (not sure if her family is aware of that title!).

Oh, and she has held the title of President in the AL along the line as well. So please congratulate Deb Sholl as we add to her list of titles and award her the Very Valuable Volunteer Award!!