VVV Jan Bates and Dana Badgerow March 2021

It could be argued that this month’s Very Valuable Volunteers have been impacted by covid and its various tentacles more than many of us. Not a competition we want to hold. However, as changes were imposed upon them, they in turn responded to those challenges with a positive attitude, ingenuity, and resolve. Their passion for the mission of Assistance League and their particular program is proclaimed in all that they do. 

Our first VVV joined AL in 2013 and immediately jumped in to serving on Membership, Placement, Academic All Stars, and Hospitality—all while continuing to work in academia as an editor and publisher of a science-based journal at the University of Minnesota.

Our second VVV joined AL in 2019 upon retiring from a successful career in executive leadership positions. She freely admits to having unsuccessfully retiring several times. This is in stark contrast to her success  in the corporate world where she worked at Supply Chain Services LLC,  the Better Business Bureau of MN & ND, and Honeywell, to name a few —and with MN state government at several departments, boards, and commissions. She was recently appointed to a commission charged with reviewing statues on State Capitol grounds and in buildings.  She was not always serious, however, as at one time she performed as Darlene in a country western band.  Upon joining Assistance League, anxious to jump right into volunteer activity, she found a new home at the Thrift Shop.

Our first VVV majored in art history and put this background to good use during the Covid shutdown. She curated, designed and produced a print and digital book featuring a very extensive collection of her grandmother’s artwork. If asked, she’ll gladly share a link to her book.

Meanwhile our second VVV, a licensed attorney and divinity student, has spent her “down” time mastering InstaPot recipes, taking piano lessons, enduring a seemingly endless home remodeling project and enjoying her ocean front home in Oregon when time permits.

ALMSP is extremely fortunate that approximately 1 year ago, these 2 women agreed to combine their complimentary skills, backgrounds, and talents to form a team to lead our Thrift Shop through what another member deemed “a perfect storm” of reopening, shutting down, and reopening yet again. Together, they led the SOS ad hoc committee to research, adapt and establish the equipment and protocols that ensured a safe environment at the Shop for both volunteers and customers. Their combined upbeat outlook adds to the welcome that we all receive anytime we stop in. Their individual skills combine for a perfect mix for both customers and members alike: great one on one with members, excellent problem solving skills, eager to assist when asked, outstanding customer service skills to name but a few. They do all of this while raising funds for our programs!

Please join me in congratulating this month’s Very Valuable Volunteers, Jan Bates and Dana Badgerow.