VVV Lisa Harmening November 2021

This valued member joined Assistance League in 2015 and immediately became active. She volunteered at the Thrift Shop and became a Day Manager. She has been instrumental in helping the shop receive the Sun Current Readers’ Choice awards, oversees the Thrift Shop signage to ensure a consistent look and message, especially during the Covid closing and reopening periods.

In everything that she leads, whether it be production of an annual report or nominating chair, she is organized, approaching the project methodically yet with an open mind, She makes every member of the team, even those who are relatively new to the chapter or task at hand, feel as though each of their contributions are valuable.

As VP Marketing, she also served as Marketing Committee Chair and developed, coordinated and oversaw OYH message and campaign materials and the Annual Report.

She readily shares her expertise with others. She ensures that deadlines are met without ever losing her positive perspective and gracious manner. She provides guidance to ensure that we are consistent and clear in how we present our chapter to our members, partners and donors through our website and in brochures.

As the current Marketing Chair, she helped develop and coordinate the wonderful TPT video that we have all been enjoying.

Please help me recognize the November Very Valuable Volunteer, Lisa Harmening!